The Linguistics of Sauce

Welcome to the love letter to my ancestors; an homage to my childhood, to my father’s childhood; an interview with the great-grandparents I never met; my virtual recipe book and family tree.

Welcome to memories of watching my mother hover over steaming pots of soup or wrap chicken thighs with twine, to smells of wine-deglazed mirepoix and fresh “Betty” bread.

Welcome to the hodgepodge of my fabric:

Of what it means to be Italian- and Irish-American,

Ashkenazi by blood and marriage,

child of a Catholic New Yorker and a Pagan Brit,

stepchild of Jalisco and Hungary.

Welcome to the musings of a curious daughter, a perpetual student, a storyteller, a cook, and an angsty millennial.

Welcome to The Linguistics of Sauce. Take a seat and don’t eat too much before dinner.

My cooking playlist, appropriately entitled “Kitchen Witch.” #StregaNona4ever